Today, Polina was announced as one of 2020’s 21 MacArthur Fellows! She is being celebrated for her innovation in the field of reproductive biology.
The MacArthur Fellowship (unofficially known as a MacArthur “Genius” Grant) is awarded annually to individuals with “exceptional creativity”, “promise for important future advances”, and “potential…to facilitate subsequent creative work” in their field of study. Polina is joined by economists, sociologists, chemical engineers, and fiction writers as a recipient of the Fellowship.
Learn more about the MacArthur Fellowship here, and read about the research that led to Polina’s being awarded the Fellowship here.
Congratulations, Polina!! We are all so happy for you. (Aha, so this is why you wanted the website to be ready by the week of October 5th…)
From the MacArthur Foundation webpage: