Lishko Lab at Washington University in St.Louis

Sukhneet Bhogal

Sukhneet is an undergraduate at Boston University obtaining a degree in neuroscience. She is a visitor for summer 2023, and she is working alongside other lab members on the Kir7.1 project.

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Noemia Mariani

Noemia graduated with her B.S. in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Espírito Santo in 2017. She then graduated with her Master’s degree from the Pharmacology and Biotechnology program at São Paulo State University in 2019. She is...

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Haley Stober

Haley Stober is a third-year student from Connecticut. She is studying Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis on Immunology and plans to apply to medical school after college. Outside of the lab she enjoys working as a tour guide, running...

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